วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Discover Easy Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Cake

For many people the Christmas season is a hectic round of shopping, cooking, writing cards and wrapping presents. And very often the decoration of the Christmas cake is left until the last minute, so here are some tips to help you on your way.

One of the fastest design is a pattern with one of the following: Semi-dried fruits, glace fruits, angelica, cherries and various types of nuts. But keep to three or four varieties, otherwise the design is too complex. When the tip of theThe cake is rounded, cut off, and upturn the cake so the base of the upper side. Boil half a jar of apricot jam and press through a sieve. Delete enter the surface of the cake with jam, and with a design of fruits and nuts - a circular design for a round cake and straight lines for a square cake. In, (shining an attractive decoration and the fruits and nuts into position hold) brush over with jam, and finally a wide tie, red or green ribbonaround the cake. A similar device can be made with marzipan fruits.

If you spend a little more time to decorate the top of the cake with a soft frosting, and use remains Band, a cake ruffles, or a strip of paper to place around the Christmas pages. Again, you use the base of the cake as the top. Roll out sugar paste (roll-out icing) or marzipan until it slightly larger than the top of the cake - Make sure the paste can move freely. Brushthe top of the cake with apricot jam then cut the cake on the upswing sugar paste, and the excess paste. Place the cake on a cake board. Roll out a length of paste, about half inch deep cut and a strip of the same size. Moisten the dough on the edge of the cake and carefully position the strip on the wet surface. Make a design on the edge of pie crimpers - if you have them. Failing that, press the set up of a handleSpoon into the dough. Make an unusual decoration for the center of the cake with red coloring some marzipan modeling and design into a candle. Use an almond flakes for a flame, and then surprised by the lighting of the almonds on Christmas Day - such as nuts contain oil, the almond-flame for a few moments!

Make Christmas trees from a conical piece of green marzipan. Use sharp scissors and beginning at the top, small incisions around the tree. Make snow balls of ballssugar paste, very slightly moistened and covered in castor or granulated sugar. Holly leaves to roll the dough out and cut it in the form of a diamond. The sharp points are made by cutting out sections around the edge of the leaf, either with ice or placed the nozzle tip / handle of a small spoon. Mark veins on the leaf with the back of a knife.

For those who want to venture into the territory of the Royal Icing, a quick way to use this icing, creating a "snow scene". Next, a layer of trueDry marzipan on the cake and leave it for two days leave. The traditional way of Royal Icing with egg white and powdered sugar, powdered sugar, but is now already the right amount of dried egg whites - but the icing still needs a good spanking!

Test the ice ahead of the application on the cake. Shall, with a line or table knife, the ice about half an inch deep into the cake. Then, with the flat surface of the blade makes a slow"Bounce" movement on the ice. The icing will be the summit, if it the right consistency. Lassen, until firm and sprinkle with edible glitter for a sparkling cake. Merry Christmas

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